Upcoming 21/6/2014: SSB vs Zom B Cru


The first Super Smash Brollers home game of the summer sees them pitched against The Inhuman League’s Zom.B.Cru. from Sheffield, almost a year to the day since the visitors played their first public game.

Sheffield’s B team have built up a number of successive wins, and recently put on an impressive show on Swedish soil at the ‘Kings of the North’ tournament in Malmo, a highlight of which was their 145 point victory against The Dirty Few. This weekend they take on Tyne and Fear’s Inglorious B’Stars, while SSB will be challenging Manchester’s Chaos Engine: the weekend’s results could be a good indication of how the June fixture will pan out.

The Brollers have had a bit of downtime since their last game but that’s not to say that they haven’t been busy behind the scenes. Month-on-month these guys are evolving, with players (notably B00N) demonstrating a maturity and tactical awareness that signals a more seasoned team than in previous years.

The remainder of 2014 presents a steady stream of fixtures for SSB, who open the doors for their second beginners’ program next month. Men’s roller derby is continuing to grow across Europe, and although it has been said before, we really are at the dawn of something great!

The first game will be a women’s mixed rookie game, featuring Nottingham Roller Girls’ newer skaters alongside other skaters from teams across the UK. Since BrewDog are our new sponsors, we have named the teams in honour of our favourite beers of theirs – the Dead Pony Club and the 5am Saints! This rookie game introduces some promising new talent from NRG and from further afield. Come and witness a showcase of future stars…

12:30 – Doors open, followed by warm-ups and skate-outs
13.00 – First game (Dead Pony Club vs 5am Saints)
15.15 – Second game (Super Smash Brollers vs Zom B Cru)

Advanced tickets: Adults – £6. Students, OAPs and 13-17 year olds – £4
Tickets on door: Adults – £7. Students, OAPs and 13-17 year olds – £5
Under 13s get in for free.

Buy TICKETS here.

AFTER PARTY – We’ll be heading for a quick drink somewhere local, then off into the city centre to our favourite watering hole (and home of our new sponsors) BrewDog Bar Nottingham. Everyone welcome!


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