Been lounging on your sofa, boozing and watching rubbish telly for two whole weeks over the festive period? Then, if like me you got a bit too enthusiastic with the Crimbo cheese board, you’ll be absolutely itching to get back ‘on it’ and ready for the new derby season.
Let’s be honest here I’m by no means a fitness expert, but last year I did get my posterior into gear and managed to complete an olympic length duathlon (10k run / 40k ride / 5k run). This was my first ever race at the ripe old age of 38 and, hurrah, I didn’t come last! All of this training made a massive difference to my roller derby performance, I could keep jamming for longer and was able to put more into drill practice.
Here’s a few hints and tips to help you get motivated, fit and healthy for 2016:
- Get Organised – there are loads of great free resources out there to plan your exercise endeavours. Plan it out and scribble it down in your diary. Whether it be Apps, planning guides or printable pdfs; just google away and you’ll find something useful. Here’s a few faves;
Map My Fitness – GPS Workout Trainer for Fitness, Step and Activity Tracking
Bupa Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan
Totally the Bomb Health and Fitness Planner
Nerd Fitness – How to Build Your Own Workout Routine
- Enter a race/competition – I’m rubbish at motivating myself to exercise. Entering a race provides me with that well needed carrot. Whether it be a obstacle race, bike ride, half marathon or crossfit throwdown, there’s something out there for everyone. Plus they are a great way to raise money for your chosen charity if a bunch of you get involved.
Mud Run Guide – Directory
Good Run Guide
Battle of Britain CrossFit Throwdown
- Beat Your Pals – Not literally mind, they will hit you back. There is nothing like healthy competition for upping your game, who doesn’t want to be the winner? There are loads of Apps that you can join and then hook up with your friends on. Why not try a Fitbit to track your steps or use My Fitness Pal to keep track of your healthy eating and lose those extra pounds? Set up a private Facebook group for your league, you can encourage each other and share info, tips, achievements, recipes etc. We’ve got the Nottingham Roller Derby Fitties to keep us motivated!
- Get Outside – Let’s face it the gym will be full this time of year, but there’s loads of exercise you can do in the great outdoors for free.
Outdoor skating is not just a preserve of the summer, why not go for a skate? Granted, the weather isn’t the kindest for your bearings but they are not made of sugar, just clean/dry them out straight away.
Running is great and many places will have local beginner’s programmes and you can make some new mates in the process (I can’t guarantee that they will be as good as derbymates obvs).
Walking is easy and will do you wonders, you can park further away from work and have an extra little trundle in the morning, or head out to the hills on a weekend. There’s nowt as beautiful as the British Countryside, so head out for a proper ramble. I’m a big fan of circular walks that involve a pub stop. Pop into your local library or check out My Favourite Pub Walks - Get Fit at Home – There are loads of great free workouts and instructional videos on Youtube. Just set that alarm for 30mins earlier than normal, a 6:30am start will mean you can fit a cheeky little HIIT set in. Or get your chakras in line and enjoy a relaxing candle lit yoga sesh. There’s loads of apps out there too.
Fitness Blender Workouts
Bedtime Yoga
Millionaire Hoy’s HIIT Workouts
30 Day Squat Challenge
All the best for the new year, we hope your plans make it past January. Please do share your own hints and tips in the comments it would be great to hear what works for you.
If you haven’t taken up roller derby yet, then check out our website for details of how to get involved.
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