It felt like we had won the lottery when we managed to bag ourselves some Brawlgust tickets. Yip! We were determined to get awesome by osmosis; and with coaches such as Kami, Raw, Mainey and Rogue Runner, how could this not happen!?
There were lots of different classes split over three tracks with crazy names: Brawlicorn, Popcorn and Party Leggings!
Some classes even seemed to have musical names: Earth, Wind & Fire; Stop Right Now, Thank -You Very Much.
Others did what they said on the tin: Offensive Blocking, One on One Blocking.
Quite frankly we were petrified when we got there. Some of our fellow boot-campers were legends: Kid Block formerly of Tiger Bay Brawlers, and Jack Attack from the London Rockin’ Rollers.
We soon found out this would be a tough two days. We were totally pooped after the first class – but we weren’t going to let fatigue stop us………Oh no……
………..we had the perfect antidote to tiredness – stuff our faces with food, pretty much every 60 minutes!
Sausage rolls, salad, Crispy Cremes, pasta, garden peas, sandwiches, tuna, peanuts, sweeties, yoghurt covered edamame, hummous, chocolate…..
You name it, we ate it!
We had learned lots of great skills, tactics and drills from the lovely lasses (and Ballistic Whistle) at London Roller Girls.
Other things we learned:
- Wetherspoons in Brum are psychic. Ali’s dinner came out before she’d even decided what she was having.
- If Ballistic chases you shouting GO! GO!GO! 80% of people will scream.
- If you stay at the Travel Lodge in town you will get boiled alive by the room temperature.
- Kitty Decapitate can side surf with her feet turned inwards: Freaky.
- A training shoe is not a safe place for a wedding ring.
- Wearing the right kind of sock is vital when skating for 6hrs a day. (Avoid tight socks and synthetic fibres)
- Natalie uses toilet bowls to freshen-up her kit!
There was only one way to top the weekend off, and that was to SCRIM!!
The teams were divvied up, and blacks and whites became fierce rivals.
Our boys and girls put in a valiant effort, trying out all the hints and tips they had learnt over the course of the weekend.
They challenged the might of the hosting team players and faired brilliantly despite their exhaustion.
If you ever get the chance to go on a London Roller Girls Boot camp, do it.
Quite frankly you’d be daft not to!
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